
The project structure includes six work packages, aiming at achieving their detailed objectives:

WP1 – Framework and prototype of the vibration prediction tool

  • To review the state-of-the-art for experimental, analytical, numerical, and hybrid prediction methods for railway induced vibration.
  • To define the concept of the hybrid vibration prediction tool to be used for environmental vibration impact assessment of new and upgraded railway lines.
  • To implement and to test a prototype of the vibration prediction tool against well-documented cases.
WP2: Supporting data and modelling for the vibration prediction tool
  • To provide experimental and numerical databases that can be integrated into the new prediction tool for ground vibration.
  • To propose and verify a track-independent vehicle indicator that allows ground-borne noise-friendly vehicle design to be identified.
  • To demonstrate that the prediction tool can adequately transpose vibration emission data from one site to another.
WP3: Implementation of a user-friendly vibration prediction tool
  • To provide a user-friendly tool for vibration prognosis on the basis of a commonly accepted software program.
    o To integrate all relevant algorithms developed in SILVARSTAR into the vibration prediction tool.
    o  To develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that meets industrial requirements.

    o  To use a modular form allowing open interfaces for further improvements in the future.
    o  To connect the vibration prediction tool to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for input and output.

  • To test all methods and programs developed for the vibration prediction tool.
WP4: Auralisation and visualization of railway noise
  • Development of methodologies for physics-based auralisation and isualization of exterior and interior railway noise.
  • Extension of existing physics-based train pass-by auralisation model.
  • Realisation of auralisation software for train pass-by noise.
  • Demonstration of railway noise scenarios including mitigation measures and vehicle design variants

WP5: Management
  • Administrative and financial management.
  • Coordination of the project and consortium activities.
  • Project Quality Plan and the Data Management Plan.
  • Supervise risk management.
  • Technical management to coordinate work between different WPs.
  • Oversee innovation management.
  • Solve any technical issues that may arise and have a potential impact on the project’s outcome, and contribute to the decision-making process.
  • Cooperation with the complementary project FINE-2.
WP6: Dissemination, exploitation and standardisation of results
  • To develop communication strategies and establish a dissemination plan to facilitate wide-spread information and knowledge transfer
  • To set up communication channels with S2R to ensure a permanent link/communication with the relevant S2R projects
  • To ensure that the project outputs reach targeted stakeholders by implementing appropriate communication and dissemination activities.
  • To ensure appropriate exploitation of project outcomes.